Alla funktioner du behöver

Snabb kommunikation

Skicka SMS eller meddela personalen snabbt via appen.

Noggrann tidsrapportering

Personalen kan enkelt stämpla in vid arbetspassets början via hemskärmen i appen

Detaljerat schema

Anställda kan se alla detaljer för kommande arbetspass direkt i appen.

Byt arbetspass

Anställda kan enkelt ge bort, ta på sig eller byta arbetspass mellan varandra.

Se när personalen vill jobba

Chefer kan se när anställda föredrar att jobba och varför.


Personalen kan ansöka om ledighet och semester via appen.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.Quickly text or message employees through the app.Quickly text or message employees through the app.Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.Quickly text or message employees through the app.Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Accurate time tracking

Staff can easily clock-in for upcoming shifts, using the app dashboard.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Accurate time tracking

Staff can easily clock-in for upcoming shifts, using the app dashboard.

Fast communication

Quickly text or message employees through the app.

Accurate time tracking

Staff can easily clock-in for upcoming shifts, using the app dashboard.

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