Rotating shifts


5 min read

Rotating shifts


    As the world turns on its axis, and one man works while another relaxes, so it goes with rotating shifts. This shift pattern sees workers rotate between different shifts and working hours, but how does it work? Here’s the lowdown.

    What are rotating shifts?

    Think of rotating shifts as the working world's version of a relay race - passing the baton between workers to make sure there's always someone on the job. 

    Employees switch between different work hours - mornings, afternoons, and nights - on a regular basis. The rotation can vary: some people might swap every week, while others may shift every few days.

    Which industries use rotating shifts?

    If you’ve ever worked in a job that requires non-stop coverage, you’ve probably encountered rotating shifts. These include:

    • Healthcare
    • Manufacturing
    • Customer services
    • Security services

    As employees rotate between different shifts, it’s the perfect shift pattern for any business that needs round-the-clock staffing.

    Why use rotating shifts?

    Not every business needs to use a rotating shift system, but there are plenty of advantages for those that do:

    24/7 coverage

    As you might’ve guessed, the number 1 benefit of rotating shifts is that they make it possible for businesses to keep operating all day and all night. And in industries like the ones we’ve mentioned, that constant coverage is crucial.

    Work/life balance (sort of)

    Think of it this way: rotating shifts give you a chance to mix it up. Maybe you’re a night owl, or maybe mornings are your jam. Rotating shifts mean you don’t get stuck with just one rota schedule forever. A little variety can go a long way in avoiding burnout.

    Fairness all round

    No one wants to be the person always working night shifts. With rotating schedules, that burden is shared. Everyone gets their turn at the less-than-ideal shifts, and that means no one gets stuck doing the graveyard shift indefinitely.

    Better productivity

    Switching up shifts can prevent the “same old, same old” feeling and help keep employees more engaged. When you’re not working the same shift day after day, it’s easier to stay alert and on your game.

    The downsides of rotating shifts

    As handy as rotating shifts can be, they don’t come without their challenges. For one, constantly switching between night and day shifts can mess with your body’s natural rhythm. That can lead to some serious fatigue, making it harder to sleep, stay healthy, and keep your energy up.

    And keeping track of rotating shifts isn’t all that simple. It can be a real logistical puzzle for managers - trying to juggle employee availability, making sure there’s always enough coverage, trying to give everyone their fair share of night shifts. It can get tricky when schedules move around constantly, and mistakes happen.

    The constant change can also leave employees feeling a bit disconnected. The unpredictability of the schedule can lead to burnout, and some workers might feel out of sync with their colleagues, especially if they’re on different shifts. This can affect team spirit, which can affect performance and even staff retention.

    How to make rotating shifts work

    Things can get a little complicated with rotating shifts, not to mention the risk of burnout and dissatisfaction amongst employees. Here’s how to combat that:

    Longer rotations: instead of switching shifts every day, try rotating weekly or even monthly. 

    More rest: Give employees enough time to recover between shifts, especially night shifts.

    Healthy habits: Fitness programs, counseling, healthy eating can combat the unhealthy side of shiftwork.

    Heads-up: Make sure employees get their rosters well in advance, so they can plan better and get their sleep in order.

    Listen to staff: Let employees express their shift preferences - offering a bit of flexibility can go a long way.

    Wellbeing: Frequent check-ins can help spot issues early, so you can change things before burnout sets in.

    Make your shifts work with Planday

    Schedules in any form can mean admin time and headaches for managers. But with Planday, admin time is reduced by up to 80%, and staffing headaches are a thing of the past.

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