Meddyg Care Planday Customer Case
How using the right tool for the job halves Meddyg Care’s payroll admin timeEstablished in 2014, Meddyg Care now has three locations and 125 staff dedicated to that mission. By finding the right people for the job who can combine compassion and care, Meddyg Care delivers person-centred care for its residents. But behind the tailored care and resident experience is a myriad of admin tasks and accreditation that can be cumbersome and time-consuming. Starting its digital journey a few years ago, Meddyg has moved from a rota posted on the wall to a smart solution that gives management and staff the right information at the right time.By getting the right tool for the job, Meddyg Care Managing Director Kevin Edwards says payroll admin time has now halved. Let’s hear how they did it.
The Disabilities Trust Planday Customer Testimonial
Carers at The Disabilities Trust hated timesheets – Planday helped free them (and its 1500 staff) from the hours of unnecessary admin timesheets created.
Graham Care Planday Customer Case
25 years ago, Graham Care could only house 40 residents, but over the decades business has grown rapidly and is moving away from converted buildings to a care suite concept with new purpose-built homes. This will give the residents larger units and get nursing care within their homes while staying close to friends and family.It’s safe to say that Will knows the business inside and out. He even lived in one of the care homes for two months to understand the experience on the ground. He believes that the key to success is to be found in digitisation.Will has introduced a lot of systems over the years and Planday has been the kind that has helped his business run smoother and didn’t cause any complaints from employees.
Millennium Care Planday Customer Case
“There are around 350 staff in the homes. And then
between 6-8 people in head office. We work in close
proximity between the homes and we share processes and
procedures, so everything is running on a similar way in each
home,” Julie says.
“I am currently in the process of setting up the
department budget and revenue side of things and will shortly
be working with each of the homes to implement Planday as a reporting and
budgeting tool.”
Julie says Planday has helped
the organisation standardise performance and helps protect
against disruption if one location’s administrator is unable to work.
“The initial idea of using Planday was that we get something that
would help head office get oversight and introduce more
performance monitoring and measuring performance between the
homes,” Julie says.
In an industry where professional standards and care requirements are a big
part of accreditation, having a single system to manage reporting and
performance in a uniform way makes a big difference.
“Using a uniform system like Planday makes the company less
vulnerable then, because there is only one administrator per
home. So if suddenly that one person became ill
then using Planday we are all using the same system and we
all know how it works, so it is easier then for someone to just
jump in and pick up from where they have left off.”