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Tech Trends 2025: Download your free report
Get the lowdown on the hospitality tech changing the industry this year, creating happier teams and healthier businesses.
Partner Spotlight: Barma
Our partnership with hospitality training app Barma gives you seamless scheduling, onboarding and staff training.
Avondale Care upgrades operations with Planday
Holidays Are Coming: How To Prepare Your Hospitality Team For The Holiday Rush
Your Handbook to Happiness has landed
The hospitality industry's not-so-secret ingredient is happiness. But we can focus so much on making our customers happy, we can overlook our teams. That ends here, with your ultimate cheatsheet to creating a happy hospitality team.
Scheduling – flexibility vs uncertainty
The flexibility of the job is one of the hospitality industry's biggest pulls. But, right now, there's a big disconnect between perception and reality.
Hospitality’s mental health epidemic (and why clear career paths motivate teams)
Hospitality workers have looked after everyone else for so long, they’ve forgotten how to take care of themselves. How can we help? By reading this article for starters.
The role of artificial intelligence in employee scheduling and workforce management
The role of artificial intelligence in employee scheduling and workforce management
Solving your workforce management challenges
We reveal the most common workforce management challenges facing SMBs and share with you some best practice tips to resolve them
The evolution of employee scheduling: A look at past, present and future
The evolution of employee scheduling: A look at past, present and future
The Future of Staff Management: How Digital Communication can Improve The Workplace
In this guide, we'll look at how digital communication tools improve the communication between senior management and employees and ensure collaboration at all company levels
What are the different types of shift patterns?
Shift patterns come in all different shapes and sizes. But which shift pattern is best for your business and team members?
The Pros and Cons of Using Punch Clock within the Workplace
What exactly is a punch clock and why should your business consider having one?
5 Ways employee scheduling software can improve your business
While there are many good reasons to use an employee scheduling software, we will present what we believe to be the top five
Scheduling Student Employees at College Campuses
Being empathetic to student needs while properly scheduling your staff is a tricky balancing act. Fortunately, we have some tips and solutions